Greetings, Bird Lovers

I've been around bird most of my life. When I was a toddler, my parents named our budgie Bert, since I couldn't yet pronounce "bird." My dad's parents had doves and lovebirds. My mom's had homing pigeons, raised budgies and even ended up with a stray attack rooster, who was practically bigger than me and didn't like me much.

In 4th grade, my grandparents let me pick my very own budgie, and I've been blessed to care for five of my own. In high school I volunteered at what is now the World Bird Sanctuary, once finding myself surrounded by baby emus. And I've more than a few times stopped traffic to rescue injured birds.

With a lifetime of bird experience, and often receiving questions on birds and bird care, I created this page to more easily share a few "wing tips" and helpful resources.

Feel free to comment with any questions, and take good care of those feathered friends! (:}>

No Fighting!

It has been my experience that birds do not like fighting. (Well, unless they started it.) Tensions in the home can lead to behavior problems in birds. Even raised voices will often elicit responses such as increased squawking, wing flapping and flying in an attempt to stop the fight.

This video shows an interesting example amongst chickens...

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